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Pinball Creator 彈球游戲工程文件




Requires Unity 5.6.0 or higher. Pinball Creator is a complete system to create Pinballs (scripts and models). The asset is based on drag and drop. No code is needed to create Pinballs. It's fully customizable. °°° UPDATE 1.6 °°° Improve compatibilty to Unity 5.6 New 2D orthographic camera °°° UPDATE 1.5 : MOBILE READY °°° V1 users : please make a copy of your project before updating Features that you can find on asset : Main tables mechanics : Ball, blocker,bumper, flipper, gate, hole, gobble hole, led, plunger, rollover, slingshot, spinner, switch, targets, ramp and pipe. Complete pinball game system : Start, win, lose, pause, score, tilt, best score, multi-ball, multiplier, ball saver, extra ball, timer, kickback, skillshot. Missions : 450+ missions ready to use Easily customise your Pinball illustrations (playfield, cabinet, led, table mechanics ...) LCD Screen : Play animation, display score, ball, timer. Camera system : 4 game views + 1 plunger view + 1 demo playfield view. Led animation system : Create your own led animation. UI Menu : Play, pause, change camera, return to main menu. Toy animation system Sound fx and music included : 90+ sound fx + one music Demo pinball include Complete documentation °°° WHAT'S NEW on Version 1.5 °°° Optimize mobile models Mesh combiner script to optimize framerate Mobile touch UI

    文件名稱:Pinball Creator 彈球游戲工程文件 大?。?18 價格:¥2.00
    版本要求:Unity 5.6.0以上 運行環(huán)境:


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關(guān)鍵詞: 工程文件,Unity


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