匯寶盆 > 資源交易區(qū) > 3D模型 > 交通工具 > Nautika太空飛船包




要求Unity 5.1.1 或更高版本。 [Nautika Spaceship Pack] This is an spaceship asset pack to add more fun into your sci-fi environments. Can be used as environment props or as playable vehicle, but it does not include any control system for that purpose. Nautika includes 2 spaceships by size: cruiser & fighter with 2 different cruiser versions. Some effects for engine heat simulation are also included in the pack. [MODELS] . Cruiser A: 5,8k poly 11k tri . Cruiser B: 2,5k poly 4,7k tri . Fighter: 1,2k poly 2,2k tri [MAPS/MATERIALS] Nautika Spaceship has been created under unity5 and is full compatible with built-in standard pbs material. Some of the maps used in this pack: . Albedo/color map . Metalness/Smoothness map . Normal map . Occlusion map . Emission/Glow map . Opacity map . Detail albedo map . Detail normal map About [TEXTURES]: Textures are in png/tiff/psd format. Those are huge lossless formats so you can achieve the best quality available. Texture size is 2048x. [FXs] Spaceship Nautika includes some FX (as seen in the video) to simulate Heat effect in the spaceship engines. Shaders used are made with Shader Forge and also editable with this asset. [DEMO SCENE]** Demo-scene is just a small demonstration of the potential that can be achieved with this pack. Nautika can also be used in as RTS unit, FPS and RPG environment decoration, etc. This demo is unity 5 fully ready and includes: . Unity5 built-in standard material . Enlighten Ready* . Reflection Probes Ready * Enlighten is an amazing realtime GI system but sadly It needs some time for radiosity calculations. If your scene shows up black, don’t worry, just wait until the Enlighten progress bar finish. (the blue one bottom right) ** Demoscene does not include any cinematic motion. The video was made with licensed material that cannot be included.

    模型名稱:Nautika太空飛船包 價格:¥1.00
    軟件/格式/大小: Unity5.1.1以上,.unitypackage,233M;
    頂點(diǎn)數(shù):0 面 數(shù):0 動 畫:無
    風(fēng)   格:科幻 貼 圖: 有 材 質(zhì): 有


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